
is a love letter

a love letter to the act of eating, to our bodies, and all the ways we nourish them.

Sarah Hudson, the hands behind Breadwinners

While Breadwinners was launched in early 2020,  I’ve been writing this love letter for years. Navigating my fluctuating relationship to food & increasing illness has pressed into me the importance of centering joy & of adorning yourself in things that make it easier for you to be in your body. Each Breadwinners piece is focused on this joy by creating a tender & unique relationship between your body & the things you ask each piece to hold. While each bag is named for the bread that inspired its shape & structure, they are built to accompany you through daily life. A companion pressing softly against your side, a proud & intentional display of your afternoon snack, a crisp canvas for crumbs & the clutter of a beautifully complicated life. 

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