Life gets


It’s okay for your stuff to get messy too! 

Use this cleaning recipe to keep your Breadwinners products looking fresh!

Cotton Rope Care

Find your Breadwinners piece in the drop down menu below for scaled measurements

2 parts baking soda - 1 part water - 1 part hydrogen peroxide

Mix everything into a paste. Using an old tooth brush, apply a thick coat onto the surface of your bag. Work the paste into stubborn areas with a circular motion. Let dry for at least 12 hours - preferably in bright sunlight. The paste will clean & brighten your bag as it dries. Once dry, shake off the excess (sometimes that old tooth brush can help here - no water needed).

  • 2 tbsp of baking soda - 1 tbsp water - 1 tbsp of hydrogen peroxide

  • 4 tbsp of baking soda - 2 tbsp water - 2 tbsp of hydrogen peroxide

  • 4 tbsp of baking soda - 2 tbsp water - 2 tbsp of hydrogen peroxide

  • 8 tbsp baking soda - 4 tbsp of water - 4 tbsp of hydrogen peroxide

  • 8 tbsp baking soda - 4 tbsp of water - 4 tbsp of hydrogen peroxide

  • 8 tbsp baking soda - 4 tbsp of water - 4 tbsp of hydrogen peroxide

  • 8 tbsp baking soda - 4 tbsp of water - 4 tbsp of hydrogen peroxide

    Note: this recipe is not recommended for use on the felt side of the table runner.

  • 8 tbsp baking soda - 4 tbsp of water - 4 tbsp of hydrogen peroxide.

    Note: this recipe is not recommended for use on the hand spun rope tie that comes with the Sun Hat

*This recipe is not recommended to clean hand spun rope products such as the ROOPS and the Sun Hat’s rope ties

Felt Care

Wool felt is naturally stain and water repellent with a high heat tolerance. If a spill occurs, blot the liquid up as soon as possible. Avoid excessive scrubbing as to not felt the wool further.

If stain removal is needed, dilute an enzyme-based detergent (like Tide Free) with three parts water - one part detergent. Gently blot the stain with the solution then blot with clean water. Repeat as needed till the stain is lifted. Finish by blotting the area with a clean dry towel until the area is nearly dry.